Report a concern
Safer Plymouth primary objective is helping communities be and feel safe. We offer a wide range of services and support throughout Plymouth to address concerns about crime, anti-social behaviour and other issues affecting community safety. Our quick reference guide will assist you to find the help you need find what you need.
Report anti-social behaviour
Anti-social behaviour covers a wide range of acts that can include verbal abuse, vandalism, joyriding, noise nuisance, criminal damage, throwing missiles, underage drinking, engaging in threatening behaviour in groups or harassment of residents or passers-by.
To report incidents of anti-social behaviour visit where you can access the police’s online contact methods – WebChat and Crime Reporting Form.
These are available to use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If it’s not an emergency, you can also report it to the police using ASB Reporting Form
Telephone 101 (In an emergency always call 999)
Report a crime
Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or if the crime is happening right now.
To report non-emergency crime or queries visit where you can access the police’s online contact methods – WebChat and Crime Reporting Form.
These are available to use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If it’s not an emergency, you can also report it to the police by calling 101.
Remember, in an emergency always call 999.
If you have information about a crime you can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Report hate crime
Hate crime is the term used to describe an incident or crime against someone because of hostility or prejudice towards their disability, race or ethnicity, religion or belief (which includes non-belief), sexual orientation and gender identity. It’s important to report it so that the police can take action. If you or someone else is in danger, injured or offenders are nearby, ring 999. In a non-emergency please call 101.
You can also text 67101 or use the Report a hate crime form. If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have any speech impairment, in an emergency dial Minicom/Textphone 18001. If it’s not an emergency, dial 18001 101.
For more ways to report hate crime go to crime or
Domestic abuse and sexual violence
Anyone can experience domestic abuse or sexual violence – it affects people of all ages, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and background. There are specialist services available to support you.
If you or anyone else is in danger please call the police on 999 immediately. If you ring 999 but can’t talk, make sure the police know you are there by coughing or tapping the handset, or by dialling 55. In a non-emergency please call 101. You can also text 67101 or use the Report Domestic Abuse form on the D&C Police website.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have any speech impairment, in an emergency please dial Minicom/Textphone 18001. If it’s not an emergency, dial 18001 101.
Report drug related litter or hazardous waste
If your street has a problem with litter, glass, needles or other waste contact Plymouth City Council.
Tell us if someone is sleeping rough
If you see someone sleeping rough you can contact Streetlink via or 0300 500 0914 (or 999 if they need urgent medical assistance).
If you are sleeping rough and need help, contact Community Connections on 01752 668000 or email: