Preventing violent extremism
Report illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet.
You can report things like:
- articles, images, speeches or videos that promote terrorism or encourage violence
- websites made by terrorist or extremist organisations
- videos of terrorist attacks
Plymouth Prevent Partnership
The Plymouth Prevent Partnership consists of agencies working together to find ways of preventing vulnerable and susceptible people being drawn into violent extremism. The Prevent Partnership aims to support local communities and institutions to challenge and reject the message of extremism.
Prevent is about safeguarding individuals and communities from the threat of terrorism. It is delivered as part of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy.
If someone is identified as being potentially vulnerable to radicalisation or extremism, Prevent puts in place processes to help them.
Work together to prevent people being drawn into terrorism
Violent extremism can occur anywhere. It can be motivated by a range of ideals and beliefs.
Terrorists have adopted an ideology that encourages violence against civilians. They often distort religion, history, and contemporary politics to justify their actions. While this ideology plays a role in the radicalisation process, it's not the sole or primary factor.
The right advice and help can stop someone being exploited and drawn into supporting violent action. Extremism is not illegal, but it can act as a pathway. A person exposed to extremist viewpoints may be encouraged to carry out an act of violence, Domestic Extremism, or terrorism.
Various extremist groups based in Britain, such as National Action, Scottish Dawn, The English Defence League, National Front, and Animal Liberation Front, among others, share a propensity for extreme views and violent acts akin to Da’esh (ISIS). It's essential to support our local communities, organizations, and institutions in countering the dangerous messages of violent extremists.
Apologists for violent extremism often target vulnerable individuals susceptible to their messages. While there's less evidence regarding vulnerability to violent extremism compared to other crimes, local partners should recognize relevant factors such as peer pressure, lack of positive role models, identity crises, involvement in criminal activities, exposure to trauma, and feelings of isolation.
You can change that route. You can make a difference by sharing any concerns you may have about individuals or groups you meet at work, socially or anywhere else directing them towards bespoke support.
CHANNEL is the multi-agency safeguarding program available in every local authority in England and Wales. It works to protect vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorist-related activity and addresses all forms of extremism by providing a range of support. Channel is a confidential and voluntary process - it is up to an individual, or their parents where appropriate, to decide whether to take advantage of the support it offers. It is not any form of criminal or civil sanction.
Channel has received referrals from a range of people concerned about an individual’s wellbeing, including from schools, health and social services and communities but is open to any person to make a referral.
If you have concerns about an individual or group being radicalised, planning acts of violence or behaving suspiciously, you can call Police on 101 to report your concerns. All calls are dealt with sensitively and you can ask to speak with a Prevent officer if you prefer.
You can also call the Police Prevent Team directly during office hours on 01392 225130
Alternatively if you are a partner agency wishing to make a Prevent Referral please visit Devon and Cornwall Police’s website and follow the instructions given.
If you are a Plymouth City Council employee or representative and:
Have concerns about a child under the age of 18. Email:
Have concerns about a person aged 18 and over please contact the Community Connections team on 01752 304440 or email